Your pet is an easy target for small insects and parasites like fleas, ticks and heartworm-carrying mosquitos. These pesky critters feed on your pet and can potentially infect them with deadly diseases.


Ticks lurk around in tall grass and shrubs, where they then latch onto your pet and feed on their blood. These tiny pests are nearly microscopic, but despite their size they can be very deadly to your pet. One tick bite can carry many potentially fatal diseases including:

  • Typhus
  • Lyme disease
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Ehrlichiosis Anaplasmosis

Ticks are also hazardous to you and your family. In rare instances, animal-to-human transfer can happen, so you must make special care to check your pet as well as yourself, particularly after woodland outdoor activities.


Fleas are bloodsucking insects that feed on mammals and lay eggs in their fur. They may transmit harmful diseases or parasites, including Murine typhus and tapeworms. Fleas can also cause anemia and dermatitis. They can reproduce rapidly, as many as 50 times a day, making flea infestation a high threat to your pet’s well-being, as well as to your home.


Heartworm-carrying mosquitos can be a danger to your pet. A bite from an infected mosquito can transmit the heartworm larvae to your pet, where the parasite can develop and grow to maturity. Heartworm disease is potentially fatal and causes lasting damage to your pet’s heart, lungs, and arteries.

We take prevention for the above pests very seriously at East Louisville Animal Hospital. For any additional questions or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at (502) 897-1000 or request an appointment online.